Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

Bearded dragons are captivating lizards; they rarely show aggression, they are easy to tame and maintain, and they don’t bite! However, the most peculiar attribute of this reptile is its eating habits.

An obvious question for the owners of these scaly pets is: Can bearded dragons eat bananas? We will take a deep dive and discuss the pros and cons of feeding your bearded dragon bananas.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

The short answer is yes you can give them a banana once a month at most. There is a lot of good stuff in bananas, and they are safe enough to consume with some regularity. However, there are some real risks to overfeeding bananas to bearded dragons.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

Since bananas are high-risk foods, feed them only intermittently. A general rule is to offer bananas on a fairly rare basis – maybe once or twice each month.

And don’t let bananas be a significant component of any diet since they are quite devoid of dietary balance and metabolic efficiency. Instead, make sure to feed your bearded dragon on a daily basis with balanced options, especially leafy greens and protein-rich insects.

An adult bearded dragons diet should primarily consist of 80% leafy greens and 20% insects

Benefits of feeding your bearded dragons Bananas

Bananas contain many important vitamins and minerals that your bearded dragon can benefit from in small amounts: vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, among others.

They also don’t have the right balance of calcium to phosphorus, making them a not-so-great choice for a meal.

Here are some benefits of feeding your beadie Bananas.

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin helps in boosting the immune system of your bearded dragon.
  • Vitamin B6: It aids in proper metabolism, helping your dragon convert food into energy.
  • Potassium: It helps regulate nerve function and muscle control, but potassium from bananas and other fruits can be part of the imbalance.

While each nutrient is useful in small amounts, we should also keep in mind overfeeding your beardie bananas can cause many issues for them.

Phosphorus to Calcium Ratio in Bananas

Bananas have a phosphorus-to-calcium ratio of about 3:1 – which is really high, given that a bearded dragon needs to eat more calcium than phosphorus to support good bone health.

High phosphorus levels in the diet can actually stop calcium absorption. Foods with a poor phosphorus-to-calcium ratio should, therefore, be kept to a minimum.

This is why it’s super important to feed calcium-rich foods like collard greens, turnip greens, and mustard greens regularly.

The Risks of Overfeeding Bananas

Feeding your bearded dragon bananas regularly can set them up for more than a spike in blood sugar. Along with its high phosphorus content, bananas contain too much sugar for bearded dragons to digest on a regular basis.

In the long term, this excess of phosphorus can lead to calcium deficiencies and eventually Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) in your bearded dragon.

Developmental problems in bearded dragons can also be caused by improper nutrition that results in malformations of the lizard’s bones.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

While a baby bearded dragon can technically eat a banana, this fruit should be strictly avoided during the first few months of life – it should replace their normal meals, neither as a treat nor just because they like the taste.

A baby dragon is growing fast, and with bones that are still mostly cartilage, they need an enormous amount of protein from insects and calcium-rich greens.

A baby bearded dragon’s diet is 80% insects and 20% plants, while adults eat 80% plants and 20% insects.

Signs of Overfeeding Bananas

If your bearded dragon is overfed with bananas, you may notice:

  • Lethargy: Too much sugar can cause energy spikes followed by crashes.
  • Bloating: Bananas can sometimes cause digestive upset.

How to Safely Feed Bananas to Your Bearded Dragon

If you decide to treat your bearded dragon to a banana, be sure to prepare it properly.

  • Peel the banana and cut it into bite-sized pieces.
  • Be sure to serve it alone or mixed with other fruits and veggies to dilute the sugar content.

Remember: small slice, few bite-size pieces. Moderation is key.

What to Do if Your Bearded Dragon Eats Too Much Banana

If your bearded dragon eats too much by accident, be aware that bananas may bloat your beardie’s belly or make them lethargic. Make sure they are drinking enough water to aid digestion and reduce the risk of constipation.

If they show any signs of persistent or worsening symptoms after eating bananas, take them to your nearest vet.


To sum up, despite being safe to feed occasionally, bearded dragons can eat bananas but they should not be considered part of their normal diet. Bananas have some benefits, yet a high sugar content along with a very poor phosphorus-to-calcium ratio means that fruits should be given sparingly.

By providing a varied diet that includes vegetables, insects, and assorted calcium-rich greens, the bearded dragon will thrive and stay healthy.

Make sure you check out this article – Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

If you have any questions or need any advice regarding your little reptile, please email me at


Can bearded dragons eat banana peels?

No, it would not be safe. Banana peels are difficult to digest and can also contain pesticides that could be toxic to your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat dried bananas?

Dried bananas have concentrated sugar and should be avoided altogether.

Can bananas cause diarrhea in bearded dragons?

Yes, too much banana can upset their digestive system, potentially leading to diarrhea.

Are there other high-phosphorus fruits to avoid?

Yes, avoid fruits like grapes and oranges that also have poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratios