How long can bearded dragons go without food?

Bearded dragons are fantastic pets renowned for their calm disposition and distinctive personality. However, as a responsible owner, you may wonder: How long can bearded dragons go without food? 

Whether you’re going on vacation or dealing with an eater who is picky, knowing your bearde’s dietary requirements and ability to survive is vital.

This article covers everything you need to know about how long bearded dragons can go without food and their feeding habits.

Understanding Bearded Dragons Diet

The wild bearded dragons are omnivores that consume a mixture of small animals, insects, and even vegetation. A balanced diet for a bearded pet dragon usually contains 80 percent vegetables, green leafy vegetables, and 20 percent insects. Young dragons, however, require more protein. They require approximately 20% greens and 80% insects–since they’re in a fast growth stage.

healthy diet is essential for your bearded dragon’s health over the long term. A deficient diet can cause metabolic bone disease, weak digestion, and weakening immunity.

Factors That Affect How Long-Bearded Dragons Can Go Without Food

Many factors affect the length of time bearded dragons can stay without food. These include:

  • Size and Age: Young Bearded dragons have higher metabolic rates and require frequent meals. Adult dragons have lower metabolisms and can go for longer without food.
  • Health Situation: If a bearded dragon is injured or sick, the body will be stressed, which means it won’t be able to endure for as long without food. Healthy adults are more resilient.
  • Environmental Factors A proper temperature and lighting are essential to digestion. Bearded dragons might not want to eat anything when their tank is cold.
  • Time of the Year: Bearded dragons may not eat at all during Brumation, their equivalent of hibernation. This may last between a few weeks and several months.

How long can bearded dragons go without food?

Both adult & baby bearded dragons can go without food for different periods of time:

How Long Can Adult Bearded Dragons Go Without Food?

The adult bearded dragon can go without food for roughly two days in normal, healthy conditions. Their slower metabolism allows them to tolerate short periods of starvation. But this doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to be able to survive this. Prolonged fasting can result in weight loss, suppression of the immune system, and lethargy. If your dragon refuses food for over two weeks, begins losing weight, or shows any signs of illness, it’s best to consult a veterinarian.

How Long Can Baby Bearded Dragons Go Without Food?

Because of their rapid growth, baby bearded dragons have higher metabolic demands. They need to eat daily, and going without food for more than one or two days can lead to serious health issues like stunted growth, malnutrition, or organ failure. If a young bearded dragon hasn’t eaten for more than 24 to 48 hours, consult a vet to ensure no underlying health issues.

A balanced diet includes both insects and vegetables.

What is Brumation?

Brumation is a natural state like hibernation, in which bearded dragons become inactive in winter. When they are in brumation, they could go without food for a few weeks or even months; however, this is not a reason to be concerned about so long as your dragon is well-hydrated and has no disease-related symptoms.

Signs of brumation include:

  • The need to hide for extended periods
  • Very little to no movement
  • Refusing food
  • Sleeping more often

Although they won’t have to eat during this period, it’s important to provide them with water and check their weight often.

What To Do If Your Bearded Dragon Doesnt Want To Eat?

There are many reasons a bearded dragon could suddenly decide not to eat food:

  • The stress of a new environment
  • Incorrect tank temperature or lighting
  • Injuries or illnesses
  • Preparing for brumation

To get them to eat, try providing different kinds of food or changing the conditions in your tank (especially the heating). If your dragon hasn’t eaten in over two weeks and isn’t in brumation, it’s time to contact a vet.

How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Water?

Bearded dragons can live for two weeks without food; they shouldn’t go longer than a few days without drinking water. Water is essential to the kidney’s function and digestion, and dehydration can cause health issues.

The symptoms of dehydration are:

  • Sunken eyes
  • Skin wrinkles
  • Lethargy
  • Constipation

Always ensure fresh water is available, and consider misting their greens or using a dropper to help with hydration.

What Happens If A Bearded Dragon Goes Too Long Without Eating?

If your bearded dragon goes too long without eating, it can result in:

  • Weight Loss: Prolonged fasting leads to significant weight loss and makes it difficult for the dragon to recover.
  • Lethargy: Without food, they’ll have low energy, become inactive, and lose interest in their surroundings.
  • Health Dangers: Food insecurity may develop into metabolic osteoporosis, weakening immunity and muscle function.

Calcium and vitamin D3 supplements are crucial for bone health.

Tips for Keeping Your Bearded Dragon Healthy

If your bearded dragon isn’t eating, you can still maintain their health by:

  • Ensure they are well hydrated.
  • Monitoring their weight and checking for signs of health decline
  • Keeping the tank’s temperature and UV light at optimal levels

Should You Be Concerned If Your Bearded Dragon Isn’t Eating?

If your bearded dragon has stopped eating and isn’t brumating or is showing signs of weight loss and lethargy, it’s time to be concerned. A sudden loss of appetite could indicate an underlying health issue that requires a vet’s attention.


In short, adult bearded dragons can go without food for about a week. Baby dragons shouldn’t go without food for more than a day or two because of their increased energy needs. 

When they are in the period of brumation, it’s common for bearded dragons not to eat for long periods; however, outside of this long-term fasting, it can result in health issues. So please ensure your dragon stays hydrated and monitors their weight and overall health.

If you want to know more about a bearded dragons diet check out if Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Hopefully, this article has shown you how long bearded dragons can go without food, and if you need any advice, please email us at

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