Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach

Bearded dragons have a diverse diet that includes insects and vegetables. But many green leafy vegetables, in particular, can make a bearded dragon sick. Can your bearded dragon eat spinach?

Well it depends they can and they can’t. In this article we will teach you how your “beardie” can avoid getting sick from spinach and other green vegetables if fed correctly.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?

Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetable that is known for its nutrient-rich goodness. And nutrients are good, right? Well, not quite. Spinach contains a high amount of oxalate, which can be bad for bearded dragons.

Oxalates are small chemicals that can stick to calcium, which is essential for a bearded dragon to maintain strong bones. When oxalates stick to the calcium, it is more difficult for a bearded dragon’s body to use that calcium. If they do not get enough calcium, their bones will become weak, and they can develop other health issues such as metabolic bone disease.

Why Oxalates in Spinach Are a Problem

Feeding your bearded dragon too much spinach could result in its gastrointestinal tract no longer absorbing the calcium required from it.

This can cause health issues such as:

  • Weak bones: If your pet’s not getting enough calcium, his bones can become soft and bendy.
  • Health issues: They could get sick with something called ‘metabolic bone disease’ that makes their bones and muscles weak.

Benefits of Feeding Spinach in Small Amounts

When fed in moderation, spinach can provide some nutritional benefits, such as:

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Spinach has vitamins A and C and minerals like iron. These can help your beardie have good health.
  • Variety: Offering a variety of vegetables keeps your bearded dragon’s diet interesting and balanced.

According to Red Hills Vet 80% of your bearded dragons diet should be plants and the rest insects.

Symptoms of Overfeeding Spinach

If you feed your bearded dragon too much spinach, watch out for these symptoms:

  • Soft Bones: Notice if your pet’s bones seem weaker or softer than usual.
  • Lethargy: If your beardie seems unusually tired or less active.
  • Digestive Issues: Watch for signs of constipation or diarrhea.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Baby Spinach?

Baby spinach is still spinach but it’s simply a younger plant so they will still have a high amount of oxalate that can cause issues for your bearded dragon. So, the same feeding rules apply: baby spinach can be fed but barely, once in a blue moon, and generally as a special treat, not a regular food.

How to Prepare Spinach for Your Bearded Dragon

Now, if you want to give your beardie a little treat of spinach, here’s how to do it safely:

  • Wash the leaves: Take your spinach and wash it clean of dirt and debris.
  • Cut it up: Chop the spinach small so that your beardie can ingest it easily.
  • Dish out an iota: Dish out a small amount of spinach and mix it with other leafy greens that are better for them, like collard greens or dandelion greens.

Whenever you introduce any new food you are unsure of to your little beardie make sure you consult with a vet first.

Wrapping Up

So, can bearded dragons eat spinach? Yes, they can, but only occasionally and only in small amounts. The oxalates in spinach can make it difficult for them to absorb the calcium they need, which is important for their bones.

There are many safer and more nutritious greens – like collard greens or dandelion greens – that you can give your beardie instead.

You may be interested in whether or not a Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions about reptiles or bearded dragons, please email us at


Can I give my bearded dragon spinach sometimes?

Sure, but as an occasional delicacy and in moderation due to the oxalates.

Is baby spinach better than regular spinach?

Not really. Baby spinach still has oxalates, so you should only give it occasionally.

What are better veggies for my bearded dragon?

Feed your dragon collard greens, mustard greens, or dandelion greens. They’re much better for them.

What happens if my bearded dragon doesn’t get enough calcium?

They can have brittle bones and might struggle to move around. We must feed them the correct foods to maintain their health.

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