Do Snakes Eat Frogs?

When it comes to the food that snakes consume, most people wonder if frogs are on the menu. The short answer? Yes, snakes eat frogs in abundance. Indeed, frogs are sometimes the most common and desirable prey for snakes, especially for species that inhabit places where amphibians abound.

But why and how do snakes eat frogs, and what is the ecological function of this predator-prey relationship? Let’s dive into the interesting subject of snake diets and how frogs contribute to them.

Snakes Consume Frogs!

Snakes are opportunistic feeders, meaning they take whatever is within their range and can capture. Frogs, which are relatively slow and abundant in many places, are easy prey for many snakes. Frogs are also rich in protein and nutrients, helping snakes stay fit and strong.

Because frogs are often smaller than other potential prey species such as rodents, they are great food for smaller snakes or young snakes that can’t yet kill large animals. Their soft and palatable bodies are attractive to snakes of every size.

Snakes need a diet that’s roughly 60-70% protein, 20-30% fat, and 10-20% other nutrients like water and minerals.

Different Snakes That Like Frogs

Snakes Frogs

Most snakes eat frogs and the most popular frog-eating snakes are:

  • Water Snakes: Species such as the Northern Water Snake spend most of their time near rivers, lakes, and ponds with lots of frogs.
  • Garter Snakes: Garter snakes are generalist feeders and often eat frogs in the warmer months when frogs tend to be active.
  • Tree Snakes: Tree snakes, such as the Green Tree Snake, will occasionally encounter frogs and readily attack them.

Even venomous snakes, such as the Eastern Brown Snake, have occasionally eaten frogs, adding complexity to their diet.

Are All Snakes Frog Eaters?

Not all snakes eat frogs. Snakes with more specialized diets might never or only occasionally eat frogs. For instance, snakes that primarily feed on rodents, such as pythons or kingsnakes, don’t tend to count amphibians as food.

However, generalist feeders will typically eat frogs when convenient, even if they aren’t their primary food source.

How Often Do Snakes Eat Frogs?

Several factors, such as the availability of frogs, snake size, and species determine the frequency with which a snake consumes frogs. Snakes that use frogs as food might eat them regularly in warmer seasons when frogs are more active. However, when it gets cold or the air is dry, frog populations may decline, and snakes need to pursue other food sources.

Frogs in a Snake’s Environment

Frogs are a food source for a large proportion of snakes, and their interaction is essential to a healthy ecosystem. When snakes eat frogs, they manage the frog population, which in turn affects the population of insects and other tiny creatures that frogs also eat. This delicate balance helps maintain the health of the entire wider environment, from marshes to forests.

So even though it might sound horrible it’s actually quite healthy for the ecosystem and keeps it all in sync.

How Snakes Digest Frogs

After a snake eats a frog, its body begins the work of breaking down the food. A snake’s digestive tract is very efficient and disintegrates the soft tissues of the frog quickly. Frogs are generally more easily digested than hard-shelled, furry, or feathered animals, and it takes less time for the body to digest a frog than other prey a snake might swallow.

Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a snake to fully digest a frog.

How Frogs Protect Themselves From Snakes

Frogs are not entirely helpless against snakes and many species of frogs have developed ways to survive.

For example:

  • Some frogs use camouflage to hide from snakes.
  • Others have skin secretions that can make them dangerous for some snake species to eat.

Geographic Differences in Snake Diets

The diet of a snake varies from place to place. In tropical and subtropical areas with abundant frog populations, snakes are more likely to eat them. In contrast, snakes living in desert habitats where frogs are scarce may eat insects, lizards, or mammals instead.


Snakes and frogs exist in an active relationship in the wild, with frogs being key prey for various types of snakes. This predator-prey interaction contributes to the ecological order. While not all snakes eat frogs, frogs provide an important nutritional and food source for many snakes, at least in some locations.

If you enjoyed reading this article make sure you check out Are There Snakes in the UK?


Do pet snakes eat frogs?

Pet snakes can eat frogs, but they’re neither popular nor recommended for them. In captivity, rodents are a common choice.

Are frogs killed by snake venom?

Not always immediately, but venomous snakes inject venom to paralyze and kill their prey, including frogs.

Are snakes the principal predators of frogs?

While there are frogs big enough to be predators of small snakes, frogs have other predators too, including birds, fish, and large mammals.

Can frogs escape from a snake once bitten?

Frogs may try to escape, but if a snake has a firm grip (especially a constrictor or venomous one), the frog has little chance of survival.

Do snakes prey on frogs more than anything else?

It varies by species and habitat. Some snakes may prefer frogs if available, while others might go for rodents or birds.