Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?

Bearded dragons are popular pet reptiles known for their fun personalities and interesting behaviors. Many owners wonder if bearded dragons can eat watermelon. The answer is yes, but only as an occasional treat. Watermelon shouldn’t be part of their daily diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?

Bearded dragons can eat watermelon, but only once or twice a month. Watermelon has plenty of water and sugar, but few of the nutrients bearded dragons need. Feeding too much watermelon can cause digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies.

Nutritional Breakdown of Watermelon:

  • 92% water
  • 6.2g of sugar in 100g
  • Low to medium fiber, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A

Watermelon is very high in water but provides only limited nutrients like calcium and protein that bearded dragons need as part of their diet.

Bearded dragons need a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of about 2:1 in their diet.

Risks of Giving Watermelon to Bearded Dragons

Risks of Giving Watermelon to Bearded Dragons

Watermelon has high water and sugar levels, and it can’t be a staple food. In bearded dragons, too much sugar can lead to obesity and tooth decay. Watermelon also lacks calcium, so over-feeding can damage their bones and cause metabolic bone disease.

How To Feed Watermelon To Bearded Dragons

Follow these steps to prepare watermelon for your bearded dragon:

  • Portion Size: Cut the watermelon into smaller pieces that are easy to chew. Do not give them too many to avoid choking.
  • Remove Seeds: Scrape out the seeds before feeding your bearded dragon watermelon. Bearded dragons can choke on seeds, so avoid them.

Hydration and Watermelon: Is it a Good Combination?

  • High Water Content: Watermelon contains 92% water, making it a good option for hydration. However, feeding too much watermelon can overhydrate and induce diarrhea.
  • Signs of Overconsumption: If you notice your bearded dragon vomiting, getting tired, or acting strangely after eating watermelon, they’ve had too much. Overeating fruits or excessive water intake can cause digestive problems.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelons?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat watermelon. However, it should be given in very small amounts as a treat. Watermelon is high in water content and sugar, so it’s not as nutritious as other options. Remember to avoid giving your baby beardie too many snacks; focus on their high-protein diet as they are growing fast.

Bearded dragons should have fruits make up less than 10% of their total diet.

Healthful Diet Guide for Bearded Dragons

The ideal diet for a bearded dragon should consist of:

  • 20% greens (collard greens, squash)
  • 20% protein (crickets and mealworms)
  • Less than 10% of their calorie content should come from treats like watermelon

Diet Strategies

Feed your bearded dragon leafy greens, insect meals, and occasionally fruits. Don’t overdo treats such as watermelon, and ensure they eat mostly the right staple foods.


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon? Yes, but in small doses. Watermelon can be given occasionally to help with hydration, but it should never replace the nutritious greens and insects that make up your bearded dragon’s main diet. In small amounts, watermelon is a tasty and refreshing treat for your dragon.

If you enjoyed reading this article make sure you check out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

If you have any questions or need any advice regarding your little bearded dragon, please email me at


How often can I give watermelon to my bearded dragon?

Once a month is fine.

Does watermelon give bearded dragons diarrhea?

Overfeeding watermelon can cause diarrhea.

What other fruits can I offer my bearded dragon?

Blueberries, apples, and papaya are okay in moderation.

How can I tell if my dragon likes watermelon?

If your dragon eagerly eats the watermelon, it likely enjoys it!