Can bearded dragons eat apples?

Bearded dragons are cool pets, but you need to be careful with what they eat. One question many people ask is: “Can bearded dragons eat apples?” The answer is yes, but you have to be careful how you give it to them. Here’s how to keep your bearded dragon healthy if you want to feed them apples.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

To give you a quick answer yes, bearded dragons can eat apples! But you should only give them small amounts because apples have a lot of sugar. Think of apples as a special treat, not something they should have in their everyday diet.

Make sure to always wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before giving them to your bearded dragon.

Good Things About Apples for Bearded Dragons

Apples can be good for your bearded dragon if you give them in the right way.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • Water: Apples are very hydrating, so it will keep your dragon hydrated.
  • Digestive support: Apples contain fiber which aids the digestion process and keeps the gut in order. This can prevent constipation.
  • Vitamins: Apples contain important vitamins such as Vitamin C, which makes them immune boosting and your dragon is immune to infection. They also contain Vitamin A, which is essential for healthy eyes, skin, and growth. But they won’t get all their vitamins from apples on their own, so there are other foods that they should eat.

Risks of Feeding Apples to Bearded Dragons

Too many apples can cause problems and here’s why:

  • Too much sugar: This can make your dragon overweight or give them a bad stomach. Too much sugar can lead to many issues such as Bloating, Obesity, and Fatty Liver Disease.
  • Seeds and core: These parts are dangerous because they contain something poisonous. Always remove them before feeding apples to your pet. They can also choke on seeds so you want to make sure you don’t feed them that part of an apple.

Why Should Apples Be Given in Small Amounts?

bearded dragon hand

Apples are full of vitamins, but they also have a lot of sugar, which can cause many issues for your beardie:

  • Weight gain: Too much sugar can make your bearded dragon overweight.
  • Tummy troubles: Lots of sugar can upset their stomach, making them bloated or giving them diarrhea.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Have Apples?

Experts say only give apples once or twice a week. Apples and other fruits should be less than 10% of what they eat. Just one or two small slices are enough. Apples are actually one of the only fruits that Beardie can safely have occasionally without any issues.

How To Give Apples to Your Bearded Dragon Safely

Here’s how to prepare apples for your dragon:

  1. Wash the apple: This gets rid of any bad chemicals.
  2. Peel the apple: The skin is too tough for them to chew.
  3. Remove seeds and core: These parts are harmful, so take them out.
  4. Cut into small pieces: Make sure the pieces are small so your dragon doesn’t choke.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

Baby bearded dragons need more protein and leafy greens to grow. Apples aren’t bad for them, but only give very tiny pieces once in a while. They should mostly eat veggies and bugs.

Remember that the ideal diet for a baby bearded dragon 80% insects and 20% plants!

What About Apple Skins?

Apple skins are not poisonous, but they’re hard to chew and can be a choking risk. It’s safer to peel the apple before feeding it to your dragon.


Bearded dragons can eat apples, but only as a treat. Apples have vitamins and help with hydration, but they’re sugary, so only give them a little bit. Make sure your dragon’s diet has lots of vegetables, a little fruit, and protein.

If you enjoyed reading this article make sure you check out Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach.

If you have any questions or need any advice regarding your little reptile, please email me at


Can bearded dragons eat apples every day?

No, they should only eat apples once or twice a week as a treat and should not be a daily part of their diet.

What if my bearded dragon eats too much apple?

Watch out for diarrhea or stomach problems. If it doesn’t get better, make sure you call your local vet.

Are there any fruits to avoid?

Yes, stay away from citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. They can upset your dragon’s stomach.

Can bearded dragons eat dried apples?

No, dried apples have more sugar and less water, so they’re not a good idea.

What’s the best fruit for bearded dragons?

Berries, like strawberries and blueberries, are good because they have less sugar.