Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

Bearded dragons are amazing pets that require an adequate diet. Their food mostly consists of insects, leafy greens, and occasional fruit. A common question among bearded dragon owners is: can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

Let’s cover whether tomatoes are healthy for your bearded dragon when they should eat them, and what you should feed your scaled friend.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

To answer your question – Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes, but only in moderation. Tomatoes should not be a staple in their diet due to certain ingredients that are harmful when consumed in high amounts. While tomatoes are nutritious, they’re not very nutrient-rich compared to other foods more suitable for bearded dragons.

Advantages of Tomatoes for Bearded Dragons

  • Rehydration: Tomatoes contain high levels of water, providing extra hydration for your bearded dragon.
  • Vitamin C: Good for a healthy immune system and overall wellness.
  • Antioxidants: May protect your dragon’s cells.

Risks of Feeding Tomatoes

Despite some benefits, there are significant risks:

  • High Acidity: Tomatoes are acidic and can irritate your bearded dragon’s stomach.
  • Low Calcium-to-Phosphorus Ratio: Bearded dragons require calcium-rich food for their bone health. The low ratio of calcium to phosphorus in tomatoes isn’t ideal for their health.
  • High in Vitamin A: Tomatoes contain high levels of vitamin A, which can be harmful to bearded dragons in large amounts. Excess vitamin A can lead to vitamin A toxicity, causing various health issues such as swelling, dehydration, and weight loss.
  • High in Phosphorus: The high phosphorus content in tomatoes can interfere with calcium absorption, potentially leading to metabolic bone disease if consumed frequently. Too much phosphorus can cause your bearded dragon to develop MBD which can be very dangerous for them.

Bearded dragons need a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 2:1 in their diet to ensure proper calcium absorption and bone health.

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

Due to their high water and acid content, as well as the concerns about vitamin A and phosphorus, tomatoes should be an occasional treat only. One small piece of tomato per month is enough to provide some nutritional benefits without risking serious health issues.

How to Safely Feed Tomatoes to Bearded Dragons

If you decide to offer tomatoes to your bearded dragon, prepare them correctly:

  1. Use raw, fresh tomatoes only. Never use seasoned or processed tomatoes.
  2. Cut into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking.
  3. Remove all seeds, as they can cause digestive issues.
  4. Offer only a small amount as an occasional treat.

Can a Baby Bearded Dragon Eat Tomatoes?

I would avoid feeding tomatoes to baby bearded dragons. Younger dragons need to have more calcium in their diet and more sensitive digestive systems. Stick to calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens and insects for developing dragons as they need the right diet so they can grow.

Signs of Your Baby Dragon Eatin Too Many Tomatoes

If your bearded dragon overeats tomato, watch out for these symptoms:

  • Bloating: High water content can upset their digestive system.
  • Lethargy: Eating too many tomatoes can make them lethargic.
  • Diarrhea: The high water content and acidity might cause digestive issues.

If your dragon shows discomfort after eating tomatoes, reduce or eliminate tomatoes from their diet and consult a reptile veterinarian.

If you notice any strange symptoms make sure you contact your nearest vet and try not to self diagnose.


Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes, but only occasionally and in moderation. While tomatoes offer some hydration and vitamins, their acidity, low calcium content, high vitamin A, and high phosphorus levels make them unsuitable as a regular part of your dragon’s diet. When prepared properly and fed sparingly, tomatoes can be a safe treat for your bearded dragon.

If you enjoyed reading this article make sure you check out – Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

If you have any questions or need any advice regarding your little dragon, please email me at


Can bearded dragons eat cherry tomatoes?

Yes, but like regular tomatoes, they should be fed sparingly and with seeds removed.

What vegetables should bearded dragons consume daily?

Collard greens, mustard greens, and bell peppers are good daily options for your little beardie.

Can bearded dragons eat canned tomatoes?

No. Canned tomatoes usually contain preservatives and added salt that are harmful to bearded dragons.

What are the symptoms of nutritional deficiency in bearded dragons?

Symptoms include lethargy, muscle weakness, decreased appetite, and bone loss (metabolic bone disease). Consult a veterinarian immediately if you notice these symptoms.