How long can a turtle hold its breath?

Do you ever look at a sea turtle underwater and think: ‘Wow, that turtle is going to drown! Why is it still down there? How does it feel to have such a tiny air supply in such a huge sea?’ Turtles are fascinating creatures, and it’s natural for humans to wonder how they manage to stay underwater for so long.

How Turtles Breathe

Turtles, like humans, need to breathe. They have lungs, which are small sacs inside their bodies that hold air. Unlike fish, turtles have to come up for air. They are not like fish who can stay underwater without breathing whatsoever, they need to breathe oxygen which makes them mammal.

What Makes a Turtle’s Lungs Special?

Luckily when it comes to turtles they have huge and strong lungs that allow them to take in a lot of air. Their lungs can take up roughly 20% of their body volume which helps them conserve their energy by lowering their breathing rate.

What Affects How Long They Can Hold Their Breath?

There are a few factors that affect how long turtles can hold their breath:

  • Turtle Type: Some turtles can stay underwater longer than others. Sea turtles can stay underwater for a few hours!
  • Water Temperature: Cold water means a lower metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, allowing turtles to hold their breath much longer. Some turtles, like the painted turtle, can live in water below freezing for up to five months without coming up for air.
  • Rested or Moving: A turtle resting on the bottom will stay underwater longer than a swimming turtle.

How long can a turtle hold its breath?

How long can a turtle hold its breath

Well, it depends on what kind of turtle we are talking about, they all can breathe for a certain amount of time and we will cover it below:

  • Sea Turtles: Some sea turtles are the real underwater breath-holding champions. Many sleep underwater and can last up to 4 to 7 hours! The leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) can dive to 1,000 meters (over 3,000 feet) and swim underwater for up to 85 minutes.
  • Freshwater Turtles: Turtles that live in lakes and rivers can hold their breath for around 30 minutes when moving. If they are resting, they can stay underwater much longer. Some freshwater turtles can breathe oxygen directly through their skin in cold water and can remain submerged for several hours.
  • Land Turtles: These turtles primarily live on land and can hold their breath for 15 to 30 minutes, which is useful for crossing water or escaping predators.

Why Can Sea Turtles Stay Underwater So Long?

Sea turtles have unique body features. They have big lungs that can fill up with air quickly. These lungs can collapse when they dive deep into the ocean to handle the water pressure which helps them stay afloat while they breathe.

How Do Freshwater Turtles Manage?

Most aquatic turtles have a unique trick: they can draw oxygen through their skin, especially around their mouth and tail. This lets them stay underwater for a long time without needing to surface for air, especially in cold water.

Land Turtles and Water

Land turtles need to breathe air but can go underwater for short periods, not as long as sea turtles. They can hold their breath for a bit when needed.

How Does Temperature Help Turtles Hold Their Breath?

If the water is cold, the turtle’s body slows down. It uses less oxygen and can stay underwater longer. The painted turtle can survive in icy water by slowing its heart rate to once every 10 minutes.

What Happens During Hibernation?

Some turtles sink to the bottom during winter, hardly moving, and take in just a trickle of oxygen. They can hibernate under the ice for months without needing to come up for air by using very little oxygen and absorbing some through their skin. Painted turtles can stay under the ice for up to 5 months which is incredible!

How Do Turtles Save Oxygen?

Turtles have adaptations to save oxygen. They can slow their heart rate, sometimes to just one beat per minute. They also store extra oxygen in their muscles before a long dive. This helps them hold their breath for a long time.

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Wrapping Up

Thanks for reading and if you have gained some insight into how long different turtles can hold their breath then make sure you check out some of our other interesting articles!


Do all turtles hold their breath the same way?

No, different turtles hold their breath for varying lengths of time. Sea turtles can hold their breath longer than freshwater turtles.

How do turtles survive underwater without breathing?

They slow their heart rate and absorb oxygen slowly. Some species can also take in a small amount of oxygen through their skin.

Can turtles drown?

Yes, if they can’t get to the air, they’ll drown, just like we would. This is why it’s important to keep their habitats clear of obstructions like nets.

A turtle is underwater for too long. What should you do?

Most of the time, you should leave it alone. A turtle can usually stay underwater for a while without drowning. However, if you think it’s struggling, ask an adult and call animal rescue.

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